Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I will not pretend to be excited about the snow that Atlanta got a few weeks ago. It was beautiful, light, fluffy snow, but I am so sick of winter that only 50 degrees and sun (and no wind!!!) will excite me these days. But dutiful parents that we are, David and I bundled Christian up and took him out. He is always sensitive about textures and temperatures, so it was no surprise that he was curious, but reserved and cautious. He seemed to think the snow was fine as long as he didn't have to touch it too much. It was hilarious, however, when daddy threw snowballs at his feet!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Christian's New Baking Tools

Cooking has long been one of Christian's favorite activities. So for Christmas, Grandma gave him his own rolling pin and cookie cutters: a duck, a dog, and a teddy bear. Here he is using his tools for the first time. He knew exactly what to do and needed no instruction. Thank you Grandma!

(By the way, he also loves pouring dishwater down his chest, his special dishwashing technique. Hence the shirtlessness!)

Fireside Picnics

It has been a really long winter in Atlanta. Over the past three months, we've had few days that weren't cold and windy, or rainy, or both. So I've had to think creatively to keep us occupied during long days in the house. One of our favorite new activities is fireside picnics. A blanket, some music, a snack, and some toys change a boring morning into one to remember!

Best. Cat. Ever.

Here is a tribute to Mr. Belvedere's patience.